Top 5 things you don't want you parents to see
1) You and your brother cursing each out (no matter how hilarious it was)
2) Your porn collection
3) Your facebook wall
4) Hickeys
5) Any kind of bank statement
More people wanna read my shit! I hope they click the "follow" button. (HINT HINT)
I'm having a rather unproductive, but otherwise pleasant visit with my parents this weekend. I do wish Jay or Josh were around though. But then I usually wish one or both of em were around so I guess that doesn't make it much different from any other trip.
While I'm wishing for stuff...
Naw that would be a pretty long list.
YAY FOR CLEARING OUT THE COBWEBS! You know who you is :)
I'm weird.
Shocking revelation I'm sure.
I'm kind of a fan of being by myself. Some might call it being solitary. But I hate being alone and lonely. I like being by myself around other people. Like I said: weird. The other thing is that I can count on one hand the people who I can do this around. People I can be around but not worry about being by myself and also not worry that they're offended. I also hate having to explain this. I'm kinda hoping the roommates don't get offended if, from time to time, I disappear to hit up a book in my room instead of hanging out.
I don't think it'll be a problem.
It's always difficult for people to be themselves. Well in my experience anyways. I remember a certain family I used to have to spend a lot of time with (not my own) and I'd have to constantly evaluate every single thing I said or did before I said or did it. It was exhausting and, in the end, didn't make a difference in how they acted towards me anyway.
Everyone has different versions they show to others. I'm a completely different person around Jay and Josh then I am anywhere else, and that's probably the truest version of who I am. But I just can't be that way all the time. I'm different at work then I am at school, different at school than I am when I'm drinking with the girls. I'm sure I'll be different around the roomies, hell I'm also another person if I'm around a chick I'm into. And boy when I'm rocking out, I'm almost freaking possessed.
But It's not like I'm ever not me. I'm just different versions of myself.
It's not even a comfort issue either. I've dated girls I was completely comfortable and open with, but there were things I didn't say or ways I didn't act around them. I didn't even notice sometimes until it was pointed out.
I guess the goal is to be as myself as I can be as much as possible.
Make sense?
I'm sure it does.
Anyways this one took an oddly contemplative turn.
Did that make it better?
Oh wait, we were talking at work and came up with one of the best descriptive phrases ever.
Gotta make sure nobody gets the wrong idea about me.
That's me, trying to stay classy.
"Pardon me as I burst into a flame"
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