Monday, September 13, 2010

Top 5 fingers on my hand

Top 5 fingers on my hand

5) Ring finger (completely useless as I own no rings)

4) Pinkie finger (for swearing)

3) Middle finger (for swearing)

2) Index finger (for pointing and poking)

1) Thumb (Yes it bloody well counts! It'd be very difficult to hold my guitar and play the xbox without my thumb)

It's always annoying when Jay's right but at least he likes the top 5 lists. Maybe I will make them huge ass stories, but we'll see if I can find the time.

Most perfumes and colognes give me massive headaches, but the other day I smelled something that was actually rather nice. Then I found out the perfume belonged to a person I hate, so then that went out the window again. One of these days someone I like will have something that smells nice that doesn't give me a headache. I imagine it'll make me horny based on how girls I've dated have responded to my aftershave (which doesn't give me a headache but most definitely does not make me horny).

Things have been rather eventful for me lately. This is good for the Internet (even if I can't keep my language clean and my thoughts off breasts) because I've been posting a whole lot lately. Well I know it keeps Jay and Lysee happy anyway.

I think.

I hope.

I cry myself to sleep praying about. (Well not really)

So I mostly randomly ended up going out Friday night after work to the Jazz festival/ nuit blance arts thing that was happening downtown. I did feel bad that I got a ride home from Melissa but actually didn't manage to hang out with her at all. But yeah I ended up hanging out with Aubrey, Corinne and I want to say Jessica, but I'm terrible with names again.

Yeah the only guy surrounded by women again. I did try to get Brad out, but hey I'm still not complaining :)

I had a great time that was mostly all kinds of awesome. Ran into drunk Kate and her friend at what was a rather subdued "silent" dance party. It also kinda sucked that Corinne got stuck on the bus while Aubrey and I were forced off at 3am. But it was a rather nice walk home.

I'm a bit headachey and sneezy and even though it's most definitely my own damn fault I'm still annoyed. I'm pretty sure it was from the Jazz festival/ nuit blanche because that was happening downtown where I stood outside in the cold semi-rain a whole lot.

I had an interesting discussion about motivation and finding passion the other day. It was kinda weird actually as that's been something I was (and still am) struggling with. It took me around 24 1/2 years to find something I could actually motivate myself to pursue, and even then it's taken a lot of work to push on with what I've discovered. Even now I know that I only have one true and dedicated passion, only one thing that I know for a fact is inscribed onto my soul in lines of fire. But it's not like It's a waste of time trying to see if there's anything else.

There are lots of things I'm trying out, lots of things I'm learning and experiencing that I am enjoying, but nothing that is life defining.


That's me. Go see Machette and you'll learn about intestines!

"Sure it would change my perspective
I'm certain I would change today
I'm certain it would change our ways
Would things fall into place?"

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