Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Present were pretty practical so I'm thinking about spending some hard earned money on something shiny and loud.

However I noticed that not everybody on my friends list on facebook wrote a happy birthday message on my wall. I kept score and will now write heartfelt dramatic messages detailing my hurt.... or I might shrug and move on with my life since facebook is not the be all and end all of my social interactions. Also, facebook might be the devil.

(p.s. this was said in humor and in a jovial manner, and so I apologize if you are too stupid to understand this and become insulted)

I'm 25 now! The world is of full of hope and promise and rainbows and kittens and puppies and groups of big breasted arts majors who like to hang out and discuss how they all have open views on sexuality.

I'd watch that show. Only because there's not a whole lot a pair of feisty redheads can't cure.

Niagara Falls was fun, mum and dad loved the company and Josh and I basked in the glory that is cable television. Yay Demolition Man! "Mellow greetings citizen, what is your boggle?" A whole bunch of people I know make a big deal of vising Niagara Falls, and I've never really understood that. Probably has something to do with the fact that during most of my childhood we went every six weeks or so. Yeah definitely has something to do with that.

Also, Josh and I discussed dating requirements. Mostly because we found my copy of "the Bro Code", which I then forgot in mum and dad's basement. We decided that I should have the old "Hooters" test for women, in an attempt to weed out the crazy ones (and also with a cursory glance at the crazy/hot chart in the book). The test being, you ask them politely to walk towards a wall, if their nose touches first, then they lose. I assume if their nose touches first they're still one night stand worthy but I'll get back to you. Boy is dating complicated or what? I think there might be provisions for water bras as they are such a cruel trick. However I am a HUGE fan of bras that open from the front. See? Complicated.

I showed Josh the patented Jay technique of beating Sam in an arcade fighting game. Right at the start of the match you body check the guy away from the controls and then box him out while furiously kicking the shit out of his character while it's not doing anything. It's foolproof.

Oh and I like getting mail, another fun reason to go home. I received the best ever personalized thank-you card from Liver and Eric. Granted there's not a lot of competition, but I seriously doubt they get better. Yay!

That's me. Sorry for not punching a hooker.




I can't.


Glad we cleared that up. Now call me so we can talk like real people in real life. Email tag is only fun when you're having fun. Note: we're not having fun.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't send birthday greetings on facebook but then I don't really send them to anyone. It seems like once a year people I don't hear from ever see the little reminder, send a quick message and forget about me for a year. I'll grant the message is enjoyed and it's nice to feel loved but at the same time I feel odd sending birthday wishes over facebook. I feel like they might think I cheated even if I really knew their birthday. I think too damn much.

    Next time punch a hooker. Just make sure her pimp isn't there.
