Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jayson is taking way to long to send me shit I want. I forgot until today that he has Feast of Crows. The only copy we have. It sucks when I get into a series and can't find the next book. Of course it happens to be my own damn fault for not finding all the books first, but what can you do.

Well I can find all the books first. Duh.

I have a place I can live for the summer and maybe longer!(if I get more hours or a new or second job) Yay for Josh!

So yeah need to step up the already stepped up job hunt. Of course this all may be a non issue if I get a cruise line contract job. Of course if I get into University then I can stay with Josh thanks to osap and overdraft. Hmm this might all work out. That would be fun.

And if I don't get into Guelph I wanted to start saving up to travel anyways and I was planning on finding more work anyways. It's not like I don't have the time. It's not like I don't have to be out of the house while people look at it.

Well I have problems motivating myself, but this shit just fell into my fucking lap and I'd be a complete and absolute asshat not to jump on this with both feet.

Of course I may be a complete and absolute asshat. It's debatable.

It bothers me when singers and bands refer to themselves in their own music. Rappers and hip hop artists I'm looking at you. I imagine that since most rap and hip songs feature tons of other artists and whatnot that it might be hard to be identifiable sometimes. But it bothers me. You have been warned.

LIGHTSABER BATARANG holy shit I'm a genius.

I've been listening to a lot of A Day To Remember lately. I'm really into it.

I read this article the other day about this new website that provides female gamers to play on xbox live for a fee. If you're a chick you sign up, make a profile and go. If you're a lonely dude looking for female companionship and willing to pay for it, then you're set. I suppose it makes sense as they are probably no shortage of people willing to use this service. But really? C'mon. Really? You can try online dating for free. You are paying someone to play video games with you, which you are already doing if you're on xbox live. I can't tell if the people who came up with this idea are visionaries or vultures preying on the desperate, but either way this will probably take off.

I can't decide if I liked The Losers or not. I have decided however that the music totally made the movie. And I've liked Chris Evans ever since I saw Push. And the new rule is Sam picks the movie on cheap night. Unless you bring him a date. Fair? I think so.

That's me. Trying not to get my hopes up again.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, we need to hook me up with this website for chick gamers....
