Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Han shot first. Tequila shot second.

Cute girl reading David Gemmel at the t-shirt stand in the mall.


Sam swoops in talks fantasy books and recommends Guy Gavrial Kay and Micheal A Stackpole.


Sam needs an excuse to go back to the mall so he can find out if when cute book reading girl works so he can work up the balls to get a phone number because he didn't sack up after 20 minutes talking fantasy books.

Thank you ma'am.

Err that sounded a lot cooler and more successful in my head. But hey considering how I usually do with women that went swimmingly. However it seems a bit much that I'm considering going out of my way just to see If a cute girl is working. Then I have to work up the balls and talk to her. This is a complicated multi step program that requires a lot of thought and planning. And a lot of unreasonable wandering of the Stone Road Mall. But again considering how I usually do with women....

Deleted my Plenty of Fish account. Maybe I'll try again but I'm just sick of no one replying, and the ones that do reply turning out to be certifiable. At least it's nice to know I'm just weird and not insane.


I'm just trying not to have all these expectations and things anymore. I tend to try way to hard and open up way too much and way too fast. I'm not looking for a soul mate, I'm looking for someone to hang out and spend some time with. To get out, maybe learn something. I don't want to be the settle down type of guy anymore. I'd just like to have some fun.

I'm also considering a lot of stuff involving having exclusively female friends. Not that I'm ditching anyone, I like my friends. But maybe start pursuing women instead of befriending them. That's what I think the online thing was holding me back. I've gotten a helluva lot more play just going up to women and talking. Weird huh?

I'm a recovering nice guy still. Turns out one night stands and bat shit crazy women don't show you how to sack up.

Ooh also trying to jerk off less. Not necessary information. But sometimes sharing such things amuse me.

That's me. Trying to NOT figure people out. Harder than I thought.

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