Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Top 5 Cds from when I was a kid

Top 5 Cds from when I was a kid

5) No Doubt - Tragic Kingdom

I spent hours and hours with this CD in my neighbour's driveway being all cool and prepubescent and hanging out with the "cool" older kids.

4) Savage Garden -Truly Madly Deeply

This one goes into the "embarrassed to admit I owned" pile. It just proves I'm a sucker for sappy sappy crap. Good memories of sixth grade though.

3) Our Lady Peace - Clumsy

Still their best music, hands down.

2) Finger 11- Greyest of Blue Skies

Remember when Finger 11 was good? This was the pinnacle right here. I still fucking listen to this album on a regular basis.

1) Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory

This was my first foray into something a little bit heavier than the stuff I usually listened to. I think I still have every song memorized perfectly.

Jay is going to remember this shit.

Yeah so it's definitely a bit different form most of the stuff I listen to now. I have a hard time defining it all but I know I like it or I wouldn't listen to it.

However since we're only a few days to work playing Christmas carols for 2 months straight (and often different versions of the same ones) I shouldn't be complaining about music.

Note: I do like Christmas music but not hours and hours of the same stuff all freeking day. The only time I'll be happy that I only work weekends at the moment.

I've kinda been in a funk the last few days, struggling a bit. I went out and bought stuff I couldn't really afford (cause that's what I do).

Wanna know what turned it around? I got completely shot down by a girl this morning who I was just attempting to chat politely to. I wasn't even making a pass at her! I just really liked her Star Wars shirt. And to be honest, if you didn't want the geeky attention you shouldn't have been wearing a star wars shirt. Geeks can and will be scared of you when you show off your tits or show off how nice your ass looks in yoga pants... but with Star Wars it's fair game. (Also, Star Wars + cleavage is one of the greatest things ever) But yeah I think she thought I was trying to rape her or something cause she actually called her friend over to rescue her and take her away.

All I said was I was sad to miss out on the Star Wars orchestral show when they came to Hamilton this summer.

I think I hurt something holding my laughter in. Also I got to move up in the Subway (restaurant) line and that was nice too. That line gets long at lunchtime and I had a craving for a meatball sub.

I don't know why this turned it around for me but it did. Stuck up moron had no idea about my story that might not be getting published after all, my struggle with the idea of becoming a writer, my batshit crazy chick problems or how I might not be able to do a semester overseas somewhere. She just saw a geek that somehow managed to offend her by being polite.

No matter how things get in life I take comfort in the fact that I will never understand women. Also some people are retarded, and that makes me smile.

Besides, it's not like she was a redhead wearing a Firefly shirt.

Yes I could have picked any song off the album. But this one always does it for me. Too bad they suck now.

That's me. Big Geek! I feel old looking at the dates these cds came out. Good thing I'm still awesome.

One more? Well don't mind if I do.


  1. First! That girl sounds stupid, if I had a star wars shirt I would hope that people talked to me about it. I have Batman shirts that I hope people talk to me about. Pff... loser. She probably didn't know anything about Star Wars anyway.

    PS. Truly Madly Deeply is STILL a favorite CD of mine =D

  2. (still might be one of mine too sssshhhhhhhhhhhh!)
