Monday, October 18, 2010

Nothing Special

Hello to all the people who read this for reasons I don't understand! I felt pretty awesome when a bunch of people mentioned this weekend that they read my blog! Yay vindication!? Justification!? Californication!?

Actually I think I've always preferred scar tissue or can't stop.

I hate that my computer is dead. But it's not because I need access to a computer, since they have a bazillion of em at school. But for the music. I hate not being able to have my music on whenever I want. I almost went insane until I bought headphones solely for the purpose of listening to music on youtube when I'm at the library. I'm smart like that.

I just need my music.

Today the cannon is painted like a Green elephant. At least I think it's an elephant. It has big ears and a tail and the mouth of the cannon could definitely be an elephant nose. For some reason there also seems to be a hat involved as well. I think I'm confused, but I'm not certain.

I think I like explaining stuff. I have fun doing it, especially when it's geeky and amusing. I'm not at my best however, during the end cutsecence of a video game I just put XX hours into. I was at quite a pivotal point tho, either explain what an rpg is and why they are super awesome, or watch the ending of FFXIII. Turns out I couldn't do both at once. Maybe I should take some time and explain what kind of geek I am at some point to my roomies. I sure they're figured out I'm a geek, but it the type of geek I am that makes me special.

I'm special!

SPECIAL NEWS UPDATE: Defiantly figured out a word puzzle thing while bored on the bus this morning. Also some chick was talking about palindromes. (palindromes had nothing to do with the puzzle it just jarred something loose in my head)

This weekend was started off weird and slightly miserable and turned into something great.. I love how I can just walk into wherever my Metro bitchez are and It's like I've never left. I just jump right in start boozing and yapping away. It's comfortable and awesome and I don't get to do that as much as I should.

But the Ranch was also pretty awesome too. It was Happy Birthday time for a bookshelf giving, terrible pool playing, getting out of dinner making person. And I ended up playing a bunch of drunken ass pool, watching people getting dragged out kicking and screaming, and talking to a girl with a really bitchin accent.

Yay weekends.

Also for some reason i was a pretty big fan of Ultimatums this week. Hottie from the bookstore got a last chance for some reason. She blew it. I played video games, watched LOTR and did some cooking. I also drank all weekend but that was for completely different reasons. Mostly. Everybody loves drunk Spammy! Well maybe not everybody as someone keeps making asinine comments on the pictures that get posted. But he's almost responsible now so what the hell does he know. But I digress. Rachie thinks that I think that I want a girlfriend again. I think. But I don't know, I kind like where I am. But then again I'm crushing on someone new already (kinda already... it's a long story and this may have been going on for a while). Maybe I like where I am even with the girl drama? But new crush may just be happening cause of all the complicated shit that went down with bookstore hottie. Bah. I'll figure it out or I won't and people will enjoy the stories. (they have so far anyways)

At the very least I think I'd like to date a chick who can do the whole witty banter back and forth stuff I enjoy doing with my friends so much. Well maybe not all of my friends. It was kind pointed out that i usually only do this with the plethora (haha I'm mr. vocabulary today) of smart female friends I have. I don't really do a whole lot of giving the few guy friends i have shit like that. Well maybe Jay but that's more incessant insults and cursing as creatively as possible more than witty banter. Rach and I were discussing it (I think), but the more shit I give you, the more I like you. But that's not a cut and dry rule, as some people aren't into that sort of thing. But yeah if I give you a lot of crap, that's usually a very good thing. Except for Jay.

I actually am at the point where i don't feel self conscious about talking to him on the phone in front of the housemates anymore. Mostly because they have a good idea that I don't actually hate him and that (most) of the shit I say to him is all in good fun. There still was some gasps of surprise and outrage the other day, and stuff may have gotten thrown at me for not being very nice. But that's much better than if I had done that 6 weeks ago. Progress is being made people.

Plus I got to cook. We Had a whole room ate dinner thing the other night and It was very nice. I mean, frozen lasagna and salad and garlic bread is nothing special, but getting to cook and share and sit with everyone in front of the tv watching Boston Legal just kicked ass. In fact tat entire day was pretty rocking. I had a great nap on the couch too. And good naps kick ass.

And more and more I'm pleased about where I am and what I'm doing and who I'm doing it with. I spent so long being uncertain and all over the map and now that I have a bit of (self-directed) guidance things seem to be falling into place quite nicely. It's not perfect (nothing ever is) but I'm doing better for myself than I have in quite a long time.

Listen to this song because I couldn't and I really wanted to, and for some reason it reminds me of this weekend!

That's me! Wish me luck on midterms or suffer a painful and debilitating paper cut! Maybe. My magical powers haven't been acting up to par lately.

1 comment:

  1. what's an RPG/why is 'lightening' (?) marrying a 12 year old??
    haha jk.

    also: never odd or even
