Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dear Ombre

Dear Ombre

Serah is 18 and Snow is 21. Wikipedia it. Even crazy Japanese video games don't have 12 year olds getting married.

A role-playing game (RPG) is a broad family of games in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making or character development.

Ombre has been violent lately with all the stabbing, pen drawing, purple nurple attempts, and comments. I'm sure this won't set her at ease but it damn well is a good start. I might stop offering her food.

Also I am going to kick her ass at pool tonight.

Your move.

P.S. I wonder why she never does anything with her hair....

Speaking of crazy roomates (in the good way, not in the the "I'm going to skin you and wear you like a suit" kind of far) I've collected some random comments made that make me smile.

Heard at my house:

"Stop looking at me while I'm painting your dick!"

"Why is that fireplace made out of wood? I feel like that's a bad choice"

"I always want to smell things to figure out who it belongs to."

"I ain't Cho Chang, bitch!"

I've always been an indifferent Harry Potter fan,(mostly cause Gandalf > Dumbledore) but I watched the Harry piotter musical on youtube the other night and that shit was hilarious. Some group of students form the states put it together and it kicks total ass. GO WATCH!

Gandalf kicks Dumbledore's ass. Peroid. No contest. Dumbledore has a bunch of prepubescent kids runing around doing his bidding. Gandalf has entire armies working for him. Dumbledore is close with them ministry of magic. Gandalf is tight with KINGS. Dumbldore has a suicidal pet bird. Ooooo. Gandalf has been known to ride around on a giant fucking Eagle. Dumbledore has the order of the pheonix. Gandalf has the Fellowship of the ring. (For that matter Gimili > Mad-eye) Dumbledore has Gryffindor's sword. A dude who founded a school. Dumbledore has a schoolteacher's sword. I'm quivering in my boots now. Gandalf wields Glamdring, the foe-hammer, the sword of Turgon the wise and the founder of Gondolin.

Advantage : Gandalf

I'm going to say Raistlin gets an honorable mention for being a badass here, Goblin and One-Eye would be awesome to have in your corner for a practical joke war and Harry Dresden would an awesome dude to have a beer with.

However Quick Ben whomps em all. Not even Gandalf gets sarcastic and lippy with Gods and Ascendants.

Quick Ben = Best wizard ever. Plus his friends whould make even the Fellowship wet themselves and Dumbledore's Army shrivel up and die with a look and a grin.

Just sayin.

Also I find Underworld magical. Also the soundtrack.

That's me. Magical powers still on the fritz, I pulled a hufflepuff out of my hat today instead of a bunny, boy was my face red.

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