Monday, June 7, 2010

I think my dragon's name is Herbert. He's big and red and breathes fire. That's a Herbert.

I got the official wedding invitation today. Then I started to think about the stuff I need at MY wedding. Like a 21 lightsaber salute, that shit is non-negotiable. Now I just need to find 21 people to hold lightsabers for me. Or 7 people to hold 3 lightsabers each? But that would require lots of effort as most people only have 2 hands. Oh yeah... a bride maybe? Weddings! They always screw you with the details.

Wanna know what I like? Being able to curse someone out to their face without them getting offended, and having them come right back with something just as dirty and insulting and heinous as what I called them.

Stupid Jay has to be all the way up in Thunder Bay.

Pretty good fucking trip. I got to read an ass load of Jim Butcher (Harry Dresden!) I got a graphic novel, I got to spend time with someone who appreciates a good "that's what she said".

Oh yeah. Jay was there too. BBBBBAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM!

The first shag sucked. But we got to drink. The second/third one fucking rocked out. Wandering that fucking parking lot while taking booze and pizza breaks was pretty fucking epic. I even behaved myself. And you never meet new people if you don't introduce yourself, maybe Jay finally got a bit of insight into what I'm like some nights. I had a great time, but that night was pretty fucking epic. I wonder if Janice got annoyed with all the drunken sing alongs in the car. That CD was king shit.

I know it's weird but I don't mind hairy arms.

Stupid Lysee has to be all the way out in Vancouver. BUT SHE"S BLOGGING! YAY!

I never thought I'd be happy with the way I grew up, then I kinda discussed it. For all my faults and the fucked up stuff that happened, I didn't do too bad. Well looking back at it anyways, as I doubt I'd agree if I relived it again. I didn't turn out TOO bad. Better than those little fuckers will if they don't turn their shit around anyways.

It would have been pretty fucking easy to think that the weirdness was over and keep going. Easy, that is, if I had never done it before. If she's capable of dropping the "L" bomb after 2 weeks of non-dating, well I don't want to know how much father she can go. It did seem like a pretty heartfelt apology.

But they always do.

Hey I know you!
From that place at that thing!
Or was it your place and my thing?

That's me. I like Pakoras! I still have a hard time believing there's no meat there.

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