I find I do my best thinking when I'm doing something else. Like working. Like tonight when I stayed for an extra 4 hours and pretty much made notes on random blog/story ideas.
Was discussing the fucked up relationship drama that is Chasing Amy when my buddy chimed in with a "Hey Sam they should make an awkward movie about YOUR sex life, it'd be hilarious!".
Thought about that for a bit. Felt bad. Had the reasons explained to me. I get it now. Mostly.
It IS kinda justified as there are more bi/lesbians in my closet than an experimental sorority girl (thanks for reminding me of THAT today), not to mention girls in my life apparate and disapparate faster than you can say "Did Sam just make a Harry Potter Reference?"
Yes I did. Plus Becca loves my blog entry now.
Plus, like they say in Role Models, "You white? Then you Ben Afleck." And I am pretty white. Plus if Ben Afleck was playing me in a movie then Matt Damon's probably going to be around and therefore Becca will probably become my best friend if I can just manage hook them up. It is a tad shitty that my life reminds people of Chasing Amy though.
Hmmmm. That's kinda weird to think about. I don't really have a "best friend" and haven't since High School. I think Jay doesn't really count cause we're kinda the same person. Only I'm smarter and better then him in every way. Friends just kinda fall by the wayside with me. The people I grew up with, all the people I spent time with in High School, even the friends I made in Peterborough. It just kinda happens. Sometimes it was even a conscious decision, but it's not an easy thing to get used to. I know it kinda happens to everybody (tough to watch) but it kinda blows.
Still, nobody replaces my brothers. If I have any choice in the matter (and I definitely do) our family starts and ends with my parents, and with us. As far as I'm concerned everybody else can go die in a fire.
Jay and Josh got geeky all over my facebook wall. We three are kings. Of geeks. And arguing about geeky things. I like Nogusta more, but Skillgannon could probably whomp him.
Hmm. No wonder I can't get laid. Well I suppose it hasn't been THAT long. It just feels like it. As was pointed out, everyplace I've been the last few nights we've gone out have been filled to the brim with oodles of very cute and very single university chicks. And yet...
Gah! I dunno what's wrong with me. I have been having a rough go of it lately, but there's nothing a feisty redhead couldn't cure. Then again I know it's a bad sign when I'd rather spend more time in my room reading fantasy books then going out.
Time to turn things AROUND! No idea how. But I'm going to do something that makes me happy. When? No clue. But goddammit I don't need a repeat of the summer.
OOoo I'm going to find new music. Good Music. Loud music. Good call Spammy, good call.
Also I might fuck around with my blog layout.
Try to get out of the house tomorrow.
Have a night out and get sloppy.
All of it sounds good.
That's me. So many lists. Choke on it.
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