Monday, January 17, 2011

I don't have a lot going on

So I'm adding another group of people to the "list", the "list" being a (slightly too extensive) document detailing the people I hope die in a fire somewhere. I think everyone has a list, or if they don't then they should. My list is getting rather involved though. I guess I just hate too much people. Hey, if Homer Simpson can pull it off it's good enough for me.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my one and only weakness! Living room pillows!

So yeah the new addition. People who open the boxes of toothpaste at the grocery store and put them back on the shelf. Cause some poor poor sonuvabitch (namely me) is going to go along those shelves to clean them up and make them look pretty. You can't stack boxex of toothpaste after they've been opened. So fuck you to people who open the boxes of toothpaste in the grocery store. Hell if you're at the grocery store and opening shit I hope you get abducted by aliens. Aliens that like to probe. Probe violently. Fuck you. Seriously.

The reason we hide the BB gun in the house is so Becca can't get at it. She gets all gangster Torontonian when she gets her hands on a weapon. Also today she picked up something off the living room floor and ate it.

Brad shot me in the ankle with the BB gun and it bounced off my ankle and hit the top of my foot too. That's the only explanation we could come up with after he shot me once but I have 2 welts.

I don't have a lot going on at the moment.

Meg and Kate keep on baking and making food for everybody. It's kinda awesome.

That's me nobody ever wants to be on my Team. Fuck Pictionary anyway.

1 comment:

  1. You made a blog about lists, Listy!
    You are your own destruction, annihilation, demolition, extinction, etc.
