Friday, January 28, 2011

Turtle Power.

Today was a big day.

With the chip readers at work I sometimes tell customers to insert their debit/credit cards into the bottom of the machine.

Sometimes I just say "insert it in the bottom".

I realized the sexual connotation of that statement.

I couldn't keep a straight face for the rest of my shift.

Then it hit me.

My sense of humor hasn't evolved in any way, shape or form since I was 15 years old.

I am just a silly kid.

But with less ninja turtles.

I need more ninja turtles.

They'll go well with the Star Wars Mr. Potato Heads.

That's me. Work might be ruined for me now. But I might get more toys out of it?

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Home alone.

I hate coming home to an empty, quiet house. Now it's kinda funny because I know mum said that a whole lot after we all started moving out, and she is always crazy happy when we come home or she has guests over. Is it weird I kinda feel the same way? I like having people around. But I kinda like doing my own thing when I'm here too.

I'm a social loner? I like being in a house full of people but doing my own thing? Does that even make sense? If I can sit on a couch in the same room with you and casually read a book, well that's a pretty good sign.

But yeah pretty much anything is better than being home alone.

Also, being home alone during the week makes me wonder if everyone else is out at the bar or something and having a good time and I got ditched. But that's just crazy talk... right?



What if there are burglars? I don't think my imagination is up to creating traps to foil them! Well maybe, my imagination IS pretty bad ass. Wait, what if the burglars are zombies?! I can't fight zombies by myself! Thanks roommates. Now all our stuff is going to be stolen and I"m going to get eated all cause you couldn't be bothered to tell me there's an awesome bar night going on.

Well I can't do much about the zombie burglars (maybe), but I can entertain myself by telling work stories to the internet.

The other day 2 kids came though my till. One was a boy about 9 or 10 and the other was his little sister, probably 7 or 8.

Older brother (obviously proud of being a responsible grocery store shopper) puts down a box of cookies on the checkout. "I'd like these cookies please sir", he then nudges little sister and says in a whisper that could probably be heard in space "Say please, it's polite!"

Little sister, slightly annoyed but with a cute little kid grammar "Yes, please. I would like the cookies".

I (trying not to laugh) say "Actually those cookies are buy one get one free. That means you could get a whole other box of cookies for free! Would you like me to get some for you?"

OB, trying to play it off all nonchalantly says "No just this box is fine, we have to meet our mom."

LS, with a mixed look of consternation and delight says to her brother "But we could get more cookies?! We could have a whole box each! Oh oh oh can we please get the more cookies"

OB, still slightly skeptical "Mom's gong to make us share anyway"

LS, pretty smart " Yeah but we'll have TWICE as much cookies to share. This way dad can't sneak em all like last time."

(I am red in the face trying not to laugh. I make a mental note to sneak my kids' cookies when I become a father.)

OB, finally convinced, puts a stern look in his eyes and faces me, "Okay I guess we could get another box. But only if it's free now."

I, still not really sure if this is actually happening say "I promise". I then go and grab another box of the same cookies. Then I ring the order up. "3.79 today then"

OB, trying to make sure he wasn't fooled by what he sees as a sneaky cookie offer says "I THINK that sounds right, but I'm not sure."

I calmly show him the screen and show him where the price of the free box of cookies came off.

OB, finally satisfied says "Okay I guess I'll believe you this time." Hand over the money.

LS, very pleased with the turn of events, "Yeah, we got lots of cookies now!"

I then ask "Hey you guys like stickers?"

OB immediately chimes in with "No sir! Stickers are for little kids!"

LS, slightly concerned says "Wait! Even if he doesn't want one can I have one please?"

"Of course" I say, "And I'll even give you one for your brother here if he changes his mind".

LS really quite pleased now "Wow extra cookies AND stickers. We're definitely coming back".

OB trying to be all responsible again "Only if they still have good sales. " He looks at me "Goodbye."

I wave. LS puts the sticker on her cheek and already has a box open and is and happily munching away.

Kids like that give me hope for humanity. This kinda thing makes me miss doing volunteer stuff and very certain specific days working for the Y in Parry Sound. Maybe when I finally get my shit together I'll look into doing more volunteer work. Big Brothers maybe?

Work was actually pretty good this week. Who'd have thunk.

In other news,I found this. It is so cool. I wish I had talent. Or the phone number of one of these girls, howza!

That's me. Yay it's Aubz! Becca and I were wondering about the creeper posting comments on our blogs. Glad to know it's not a stalker or serial killer........then again, how much do we really know about our old roommate? Food for thought.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Zombie Cigars

I have neighbours, I'm almost sure of it! We hear thumping and footsteps all the time. That's proof right there that someone is living next door. I think. After all I'm no Gil Grissom. I actually have only seen people going into the house next door once. Some of is were sitting outside smoking cigars and being all cool and stuff like we are.

That's right. Smoking cigars makes you cool. Like Alan And Denny on Boston Legal.

Oh man, we should totally start watching that again.

Anyways. So the neighbour people walked by and towards their house. Normal seeming people too, probably students. We said hi. The stopped their conversation, looked over at us. I probably waved. In fact, I'm sure I waved. In a friendly manner too! Then they ignored us and walked into their house.

What. The. Fuzzy?

Ever heard that song, "Killing me softly" by the Fugees? Well what if someone was over here and killing us. But not softly, like loudly with chainsaws or lasers or lightsaber batarangs or zombie dinosaurs or some shit? Would they ignore us then too? Dammit if someone was over in THEIR house with lightsaber batarangs I would be over there in a second. See if I ever try to make nice with them again. If the zombie apocalypse happens they're on their fucking own.

Want to know what I hate? Something that drives me nuts? People.

That's all.

Well in this case I could stand to be more specific.

It drives me around the bend when people say they know ASL or how to sign and yet cannot talk to deaf people. They go around feeling all proud of themselves and shit, but when push comes to shove they can't actually communicate. God I hate that. Talking to a real deaf person isn't like getting instruction from a deaf professor who can speak and is used to talking with stupid wannabes all day. If the zombie apocalypse happen, they're on their own too.

You ever run into someone you used to know years back only to have them ignore you straight to your face and give you a look that could melt a baby seal? Then you remember that, Oh yeah! You hate each other! I had that happen today. It was pretty funny but it's a good thing no baby seals were around. That's person is going to get eated by the zombies too. I'll make sure of it.

All those baby seals.

There's something to be said about eliminating ambiguity. I like it. Say what you mean. After all, if you don't say what you mean then how the hell will anyone know what you're talking about. The other night at work I was told to switch till and to not give cash back. These are pretty typical instructions and I was not worried about accomplishing these tasks. Then I was told that if I did give cash back I would be killed.

You know what? I believed her. The zombies might have trouble with this one. Maybe.

I have a friend who spent last semester taking apart a cadaver. You'd think she'd be good at the anti-zombie stuff. But I don't see it. I just don't see it. Also probably cause she admitted zombies give her nightmares. Now if it were me that was the biology, kinetics, genetics studying person I would probably put all my efforts into counteracting the almost inevitable zombie apocalypse.

But that's just me.

That's me. I have zombies on the brain again. Probably better than having zombies eating my brain, am I right? See what I did there? Pretty funny right? Right? I love puns.


Friday, January 21, 2011

So many voices.

Today the windchill was bad.

How bad was it Sam?

Err it was really really bad?

You're not giving me a whole lot to work with here pal.

Work? What work? What the hell are you talking about.

Well I was expecting a smart-ass answer probably involving your testicles.

Sorry to disappoint?

You're fucking right you're sorry, now do better or we're going to have a problem.

A problem? What kind of problem.

The kind of problem that leads to the last thing you ever see being your own face is a busted mirror.

Oh. Okay then. Really?

I'm not fooling around here, now be funny goddammit.



I don't perform so well under pressure.

Yeah that's what your last date said. When was that again?

Ouch. Maybe you should just tell the jokes then.

Well I am.

Oh yeah. I guess you are.

I talk to myself. I also spend a lot of time randomly puttering around in my own head, sometimes it works for me and sometimes it doesn't. When it starts not working I tend to wander aimlessly. Want to know what I hate about winter? It is fucking difficult to wander aimlessly. Also, slushees in the below-zero weather blow.

I miss being able to wander. I can do it by myself alright, even when the weather sucks. Want to know what's ideal? Me, some company, a cold icy treat and not having to work the next morning. Hell even better, a lake, a dock, a sunset and a nice summer breeze.

Hah! Nights I live for.

Heck, even the walk home from work is usually a nice time. When it's not as cold as balls outside that is. It's not like I hate the cold either, it's just not conducive to wandering about. Not that I don't try.

I walk home from downtown after drinking from time to time. It usually takes about an hour or so, which is a pretty long time for a mostly drunk dude to be wandering. Funny how it seems like it takes no time at all when I flop into bed afterwards. I've walked home from downtown after nights out so many times I cannot keep track. Damn, I even regularly walked home from beyond downtown with Allison from a night out at Trish and Rachie's old place.

Stuff I like more when I'm drunk: phones, facebook, pizza and physical fucking activity.

Apparently I'm big on making lists. I use them to explain stuff I'm talking about, as I guess I like to give a lot of examples. I never noticed till my roommates pointed it out the other day. Now I can't stop noticing. Not that I care, I just notice now.


The other night I had an enjoyable night out. I met Kate at the campus pub for drinks with a bunch of people we collectively refer to at the house as "Kate's art friends". Had a few beers at the Brass Taps, which is a place I've only ever been a bare handful of times. Music wasn't too bad and Kate's art people were pretty cool. (pretty cool = mostly chicks)

The Albion later wasn't so great, but hey I guess with enough beer I'll join the dance floor for house music. You learn something new everyday. But gosh darn I fucking hate house music. I went home and put on Marilyn Manson and Apocalyptica to make myself feel better. I needed to be cleansed.

Today I also got into a discussion about how if a guy takes a girl out for dinner and a movie, there is almost no guarantee that she will put out. However if a chick takes a guy out for dinner and a movie he will almost definitely put out. Double standard? Accepted rules of dating?

Any ideas? Let me know.

That's me. With a little exercise the voices usually don't bother me.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My life is a movie.

I find I do my best thinking when I'm doing something else. Like working. Like tonight when I stayed for an extra 4 hours and pretty much made notes on random blog/story ideas.

Was discussing the fucked up relationship drama that is Chasing Amy when my buddy chimed in with a "Hey Sam they should make an awkward movie about YOUR sex life, it'd be hilarious!".

Thought about that for a bit. Felt bad. Had the reasons explained to me. I get it now. Mostly.

It IS kinda justified as there are more bi/lesbians in my closet than an experimental sorority girl (thanks for reminding me of THAT today), not to mention girls in my life apparate and disapparate faster than you can say "Did Sam just make a Harry Potter Reference?"

Yes I did. Plus Becca loves my blog entry now.

Plus, like they say in Role Models, "You white? Then you Ben Afleck." And I am pretty white. Plus if Ben Afleck was playing me in a movie then Matt Damon's probably going to be around and therefore Becca will probably become my best friend if I can just manage hook them up. It is a tad shitty that my life reminds people of Chasing Amy though.

Hmmmm. That's kinda weird to think about. I don't really have a "best friend" and haven't since High School. I think Jay doesn't really count cause we're kinda the same person. Only I'm smarter and better then him in every way. Friends just kinda fall by the wayside with me. The people I grew up with, all the people I spent time with in High School, even the friends I made in Peterborough. It just kinda happens. Sometimes it was even a conscious decision, but it's not an easy thing to get used to. I know it kinda happens to everybody (tough to watch) but it kinda blows.

Still, nobody replaces my brothers. If I have any choice in the matter (and I definitely do) our family starts and ends with my parents, and with us. As far as I'm concerned everybody else can go die in a fire.

Jay and Josh got geeky all over my facebook wall. We three are kings. Of geeks. And arguing about geeky things. I like Nogusta more, but Skillgannon could probably whomp him.

Hmm. No wonder I can't get laid. Well I suppose it hasn't been THAT long. It just feels like it. As was pointed out, everyplace I've been the last few nights we've gone out have been filled to the brim with oodles of very cute and very single university chicks. And yet...

Gah! I dunno what's wrong with me. I have been having a rough go of it lately, but there's nothing a feisty redhead couldn't cure. Then again I know it's a bad sign when I'd rather spend more time in my room reading fantasy books then going out.

Time to turn things AROUND! No idea how. But I'm going to do something that makes me happy. When? No clue. But goddammit I don't need a repeat of the summer.

OOoo I'm going to find new music. Good Music. Loud music. Good call Spammy, good call.

Also I might fuck around with my blog layout.

Try to get out of the house tomorrow.

Have a night out and get sloppy.

All of it sounds good.

That's me. So many lists. Choke on it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I don't have a lot going on

So I'm adding another group of people to the "list", the "list" being a (slightly too extensive) document detailing the people I hope die in a fire somewhere. I think everyone has a list, or if they don't then they should. My list is getting rather involved though. I guess I just hate too much people. Hey, if Homer Simpson can pull it off it's good enough for me.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my one and only weakness! Living room pillows!

So yeah the new addition. People who open the boxes of toothpaste at the grocery store and put them back on the shelf. Cause some poor poor sonuvabitch (namely me) is going to go along those shelves to clean them up and make them look pretty. You can't stack boxex of toothpaste after they've been opened. So fuck you to people who open the boxes of toothpaste in the grocery store. Hell if you're at the grocery store and opening shit I hope you get abducted by aliens. Aliens that like to probe. Probe violently. Fuck you. Seriously.

The reason we hide the BB gun in the house is so Becca can't get at it. She gets all gangster Torontonian when she gets her hands on a weapon. Also today she picked up something off the living room floor and ate it.

Brad shot me in the ankle with the BB gun and it bounced off my ankle and hit the top of my foot too. That's the only explanation we could come up with after he shot me once but I have 2 welts.

I don't have a lot going on at the moment.

Meg and Kate keep on baking and making food for everybody. It's kinda awesome.

That's me nobody ever wants to be on my Team. Fuck Pictionary anyway.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Zodiac Board games?!

Sometimes life just shits all over me. It's happened before and it'll happen again. No need to be alarmed, as I'm actually used to it by now. But if I'm a tad more withdrawn or anti-social it's nothing nobody else has done, it's all me. But not to worry. Really. I'm fine.

I'm reading the Malazan books of the Fallen and boy do they kick ass. I just got though to my favourite line of the whole entire series. Yessssssssss!

Okay so I just found out that the Zodiac has changed! Oh no! Now they need to add a new bad guy in Final Fantasy Tactics! Cause that's all the zodiac as ever really meant to me; demon possessed bosses from an old school tactics rpg.

I think I was a Leo. And now I'm a Cancer? That's retarded though cause I should be a Gemini. Maybe all twins should be born around the same time to avoid confusion. Although my personality is more suited to a...mongoose? Is that one of them? Does anyone even give a shit? I definitely don't. I could be a wampa (giant ice monster from Star Wars)! That would be cool zodiac sign. I definitely would enjoy hunting tauntauns on a icy death planet. Probably. Is there a dragon? I'd be a dragon. I'd fake my birth certificate to be a dragon. I'd fake Jay's birth certificate to be a dragon.
I like board games. No, scratch that. I like pretty much any kind of game. Well any kind of game that doesn't leave me disfigured or lying unconscious in a ditch somewhere. But that was only once and we were really drunk.

I like that we have random board game nights, hell I'm probably going to remember our introductory game of Monopoly for ever and ever. Funny thing is, that it's not that the game was very memorable but rather what happened during the game that sticks with me.

And that's what I like I guess, a bunch of people I like sitting around and having a good time. I guess my need for social interaction isn't terribly intense. But the fact that I CAN just sit around and play a board games with people and that in and of itself ending up being a complete night is something I don't think I would have been able to do a year ago.

We were all kinda weird an off the wall the other night though. It was kinda awesome. Becca said she didn't want to be on my team and I told her off. At some point she slapped me in the face. Good times.

Have fun without video games or movies or crippling emotional drama? Who would have thunk? The hitting, well that's just understood. I bring that out in people.

That's me. You're not having fun if nobody hits you in the face being a crappy artist. Pictionary is hardcore.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Resistance is futile. Or is it?

So I finally got to open up the letter that Aubz left. The one with the note on the front that says "do not open until everyone is back in Guelph". The letter I have been looking at everyday with thoughts of "I wonder what they would do if I opened the bloody thing". The letter I have been asking to open since Kate came back on New Years. The letter I have been asking to open since Becca randomly showed up a week earlier than I thought she was going to. It got so bad that they just said it was probably a rant on how much Ombre hated me and it was probably for the best that I didn't open the thing EVER.

Well everyone is back and damn it's nice. I fucking hated being here by myself, and with the house full it feels like home again. Plus, obviously, the letter got opened. Sometimes I'd like to be able to kill my curiosity, as it gets me into trouble all the fucking time. but I digress. We got a nice card!

The card was all nice and sappy and thoughtful and is going up on the fridge so we can see it everyday. It kinda reminded me of some of the stuff I've put in this blog about how I feel about living here with the people I do. Nice to know I wasn't the only one.

For the record, if the letter ended with "...except you Sam, I fucking hated you" I probably would have wet myself laughing.


So there's been a lot of "Borg" talk floating around the house. And by talk I mean writing. And by around the house I mean on the small whiteboard beside the fridge. I like the Borg.

I might make a poem about the Borg. Or write them a letter. After all the the Borg taught me everything I know about dating.

Dear the Borg:

Please come and assimilate me so I can become immortal and participate in the destruction of every sentient being in the galaxy. Or at least on planet earth.

Your willing host,


You see I've kinda had some rough days at work. We get the stupidest fucking people in the store sometimes and all I can think of is "god I'd let aliens blow up our world just so these douchebags get what they deserve". That's right everyone, if it was up to me I'd get our entire goddamn planet enslaved by E.T. just because of the ignorant and mind bogglingly stupid consumers in a city in southwestern Ontario.

Sorry............. ish.

Anywhos. The job hunt is going crappy.

Hopefully the admin people at school make sense to somebody cause they sure as fuck aren't making sense to me.

The love life is pooched, and it's not even really my fault.

My Xbox might be busted.

A busload of Hawaiian Tropic bikini models is not going to stop me on my to work tomorrow in need of a dude to oil them up before competitions.

So far this week blows.

However there is hope. There is always hope. My faith in myself to work hard to get out of a shitty situation always keeps me going. I just gotta keep fighting back.

Also, Kate brought back a bunch of old Jim Carey comedies.

That's me. Dumb and Dumber always makes me feel better about my life.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Eat, don't sleep, blog

Some weeks I fucking hate sleeping. This week is one of them. And by "this week" I mean forever. Well the concept, the idea, of sleeping is great, and rather necessary. I just can't seem to get the hang of it.

Yup, I'm bad at unconsciousness.

I swear, one of these days I'll be able to go to bed and wake up at the same time for consecutive days. Then again I've said similar things about dating "normal women" and that definitely ain't happening (and I've decided I like it that way, but I digress)

I've had problems sleeping for as long as I remember, I don't think I've slept an entire night through since high school. I'm just bad at it. I move, I twist, I turn, I my pillow, I rearrange the covers and I don't remember a fucking thing about it all. I wake up and it looks like I tried to create a nest. With just my big toes. While drunk. On the moon.

I've talked to so called "professionals" about it. Want to know what happened. 3 different "professionals" diagnosed 3 completely different sleep disorders. Want to know what else? I've just decided to live with it. I sleep fucked up.

The worst part is sometimes I have slightly awkward conversations when I wake up about stuff I do when I think I'm sleeping but other people think I'm awake. Also my roommates may have just discovered that. Apparently it happens when I try to nap too.

Shit. If napping is compromised I might have nothing to live for anymore.

I still remember when an ex discovered my "unique" situation. One time visiting her while I was going to school in Peterborough I spent the night in her residence room. Apparently I woke her up in the middle of the night to do stuff that she definitely remembered in the morning, but I had no idea. I woke up the next day to a goofy smile and breakfast in bed. I was all "Pancakes! Yay!" not really understanding that such battery deliciousness from a box is usually reward for a job well done. Imagine my surprise when I found out what I had done to deserve such treatment! She wasn't so much mad as confused (that time). Eventually she got used to it and was (sometimes) pleased with her good fortune.

Now to clear things up a bit, I'm not saying that I've been nailing my roommates while I think I'm sleeping on the couch. That would be more than a bit awkward. What I'm saying is, at a few points, they have woken me up, had short conversations with me that most likely ended mid-word, and left feeling like any other person who talks to me. Slightly disgusted, but maybe amused. I, however, don't remember a fucking thing. I just know they're going to find some way to take advantage of this. I'm not worried though, cause whatever they come up with will probably be hilarious. I just hope the videos are tasteful.

And dreaming, shit don't even get me started on dreaming. I used to dream completely in black and white. Don't even ask me how I know that, cause I just do. I also used to completely forget my dreams upon awakening. Which bothered me a bit, but hey, I forget where my socks are on a regular basis, so it didn't really bother me.

Then I decided that dreams were probably more significant that I first believed, so I started a dream log. I write down what I dream first thing after I wake up, while I can still remember. Would you like to know what I've discovered?

Ignorance is bliss.

My dreams are a cross between a romantic comedy that's not funny and stuff that would come up in a regular lunch with Tim Burton, Neil Gaiman, and the devil. (and who's to say that doesn't happen anyway). At least I've got a lot of good story ideas from it. That is, if my subconscious didn't both amuse and terrrify me at the same time.

That's me. I am a sheep. I am also hooked on phonics. Hewked oun fonicks werkud fur me.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

500 days of Star Wars

Okay so the new t.v. is big... well bigger than the one we had anyways. I don't think I'd call it giant since I used to spend a lot of time with a family who like having 60+ inch televisions. But I like it a lot. We got it for free after we (Becca and I) dragged the super heavy thing across the street after our neighbours left it on their lawn. And of course, when we put it in the living room we also just had to rearrange every piece of furniture in there. At 1:30 in the morning.

The living room does look rather nicer though. Well except for the creation of the giant fucking mess that seems to come second nature to Becca and I. Everybody's good at something I guess.

Obviously when you get a new television you hafta celebrate. You hafta. It's in the rules. Look it up. We have watched so many but it's not like we have anything better to do at the moment. So far it's mostly Star Wars, stuff with Star Wars references and superheros . I love living with geeks, I really do. Geeks that drink.

Oh yeah and we watched 500 days of summer. Before you judge me there might be the best Star Wars reference (and one of the best poems I've ever heard too) in the (possibly-not-so-bad-but-you'll-never-hear-me-admit-it) slightly amusing movie. And If I know anything it's (chick flicks) Star Wars.

And after watching 500 days of Summer and The Empire Strikes Back one after the other you can see some odd similarities. Darth Vader does pretty much whatever he wants. One might say he answers to the emperor Palpatine, but that's not what he tells Luke when he says they can overthrow his wrinkly white ass and rule the galaxy as father and son. Summer does pretty much whatever she wants and definitely doesn't even kinda answer to anybody.

Plus it shows that some men will do anything to impress a cute brunette. Han shows off hardcore for Leia but plays it all off like he flies into asteroid fields or rides off into a icy wasteland to save his friends all the time like it's nothing. Tom (reasonably) turns into a (confused but well meaning gentleman) little bitch trying to get Summer to like him the way he likes her.

Weird (well maybe not) how it turns out that Summer is more like Vader then Leia. And neither of them is a redhead! But that's a life lesson learned. If you understand Star Wars then you don't have to understand chicks. Because you already might.

Well possibly.

But probably not.

But whatever, it's not like women have cool force abilities and lightsabers and Aluminum Falcons and shit. they? I don't even know anymore. I have my own cute brunette problems. After all, you spend the New Year the way you rang out the old one.

That's me. Cause when I get laid I feel like Han Solo too.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Zombies ate my neighbours

So it's 2011 and I've already learned stuff!

I learned that being stuck in the house all by myself sucks and blows. But I kinda already knew that. You see, if our house has a problem it' s the lack of cable television. We get by on dvds around here, and more often than not I'm nose deep in a book (as opposed to a woman, but hey can't have everything) so it doesn't bug me in the slightest. Mostly. But the other day I had the day off and decided I was going to do a zombie movie marathon.

By myself.

With nobody in the house.

With all the lights off.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, I swear! Heck, Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland aren't even scary. Dawn of the Dead kinda pushes the envelope a bit, but hey they probably would have made it if it wasn't for that goddamn dog.

Wanna know something else about sitting in my dark, quiet living room at 1am watching zombie movies? You can hear just about everything going on in the street outside. Every car door slamming shut, every person wandering home with their friends, the neighbours getting home and taking out the garbage... a 25 year old grown man wetting himself and making elaborate contingency plans to turn household objects into Zombie killing objects of destruction "just in case".

All those empty liquor bottles might be useful after all. Just saying

...unless I'm fighting zombie batman. Then I'll need zombie catwoman.

The holidays were fun, if uneventful. Doing the family thing in Niagara Falls was good stuff. Even if seeing the Aunt was awkward and weird and made me all kinds of uncomfortable.

New Years was pretty low-key too. At first I couldn't get ahold of anyone so i wasn't sure if the plans I made were going to hold up, but Kate and her friends showed up as I was singing in the shower. not the first time that's happened, oddly enough. But yeah, music, friends, awesome pizza wandering with Coburn, drunk texting Rachie and the girls. Good stuff. Turns out I need not have been as intimidated as I was, this year my new years turned out just fine.

No resolutions though. I couldn't think of any good ones. Well maybe not making "that's what she said" jokes as often. But I've been good about that, I think by the end of the semester Aubz was making them just as much as I used to and she never got in any trouble. Then again she isn't around anymore. She did leave a letter for us to read with strict instructions to "wait until ALL roommates return". I've been looking at the thing every day wondering if anyone would care if I just went ahead and opened it. I bugged Kate about it when she came for New Years. Becca and I discussed it when I came downstairs to find that she had come home a week before I thought she was going to be here. I can wait. I think. I really should wait.

Oh and soon we get a new roommate. Of course I remember how much I was freaking out about roomies in September and that turned out pretty fucking magically, so I'm not too worried. Actually Kate brought up a good point; that a new person has to come into a new house where everyone knows each other and already gets along really well. I guess we just have to all be our very awesome selves and not throw stuff at her, make her question her sanity or make sexually based jokes at her expense for a while. Though I'm just not sure how awesome I can really be if I'm not hitting somebody with a pillow or making lesbian jokes.

I guess we'll just have to find out. Muaahahahahahahahah.

That's me. Becca and I just pulled off a huge heist. All my idea. But the fucking thing was way heavier than any t.v. has a right to be.