Tuesday, February 22, 2011


You'd think that since I'm "technically" on reading week I'd find the smallest, thinnest excuse for any kind of vacation and go take part in some heavy drinking. So far it's just been work, work, a whole lot of "I should go grocery shopping but don't feel like it", too much final fantasy 13 (yes, again) and next to no socializing.

Today was even productive! My room got cleaned, laundry got done, and I spent an hour at the Y doing my best to look like I wasn't ogling the girls taking part in the aerobics class (I was). But now I'm bored.

While comparing our dating lives, Jay said that if I had a kryptonite that it would be red. To which I scathingly responded "There's no such thing as red kryptonite you dumbass!".


Well I always did mean to watch Smallville at some point. Apparently there's green, blue, gold and red forms of kryptonite. Then I decided that Thor could kick Superman's ass, the only thing Batman needs is lightsaber batarangs and both Hawkeye and Green Arrow kinda suck as superheros. I don't remember where I was going with this.

I'm bored. Fuck you "reading week". Actually I might literally read a whole lot this week. Hmm, thinking about it every week is a reading week for me, since in any given week I probably get through about 1500 pages of fantasy books.

But I went to the gym! And did Laundry! And I'm going to work!

Now if you'll excuse me I'll go make an elaborate diner for one and watch a movie based on a video game in which a cute redhead kills zombies with a bunch of friends and such.

New favorite song!

That's me. Who says I don't know how to have a good time? Besides me that is.



  1. Dude I thought Hawkeye was lame until I actually read the Avengers. Also he eventually became Ronin who was a kick ass martial artist but mostly he was great because he was a cocky son of a bitch who managed to kick ass with a bow and arrow of all things. However, Ultimate Hawkeye was more into guns I think.

    Also there's tons of kryptonite including black and silver and the ones you mentioned. Green and Red are the most common though. Also, if you can deal with the wb teen drama in the earlier seasons Smallville is actually an interesting show especially in the later seasons when they start bringing other heroes in.

    NERDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD! -Sorry just referenced robot chicken there as if the previous comments hadn't permanently banned me from ever being laid again.

  2. Dude, we should totally go troll a comic-con for chicks, between my "wanna pet my wookie" line and your absolute knowledge of everything comic related we would totally clean up on the three chicks that show up

  3. That sounds like an awesome plan. I can be pretty animated when I talk about comics. If all else fails I can pretend I'm Meatloaf and you can pretend you're someone famous and go from there.

    Also, to save time, I thought The Neverending Story was based on a book? There were three movies with the third coming out long enough after that it might have been a different actor entirely. I don't remember for sure but it spent a lot more time in the real world if I remember.
