Sunday, September 4, 2011

Really brain? Screw you.

Some days I can sleep, some days I can't.

Some days I look in the sky and see a cloud that looks like a moo cow with a lightsaber.

My brain works funny, I've learned to live with it.

But I'm starting this post at 5am...for the second day in a row. Something must be done.

Well...maybe tomorrow. Or is it today now? I don't care anymore.

Because now I'm here.

Once you awaken the beast you must defeat it.

Once you start the spell, you must complete it.

Once you light the fire you must feed it.

Once you buy the burger you must eat it.


Once you (something something) you must (oh god I sound douche-y today)

Once you (I am not a poet I guess) you must (Something cool with sharks?)

Once (Are sharks even cool anymore?) you must (I bet Chewbacca could ride a shark)

Once you (I'd watch that movie) you must (Sober, even).

Hey look at this funny and unrelated picture I found.

Funny story, I've been blogging for like 8 years and I've hit every part of that chart except for the middle.

Actually even with the no sleeping thing, my 4 day weekend is going pretty marvelously. I rented Dragon Age Origins, Source Code and Adjustment Bureau, ordered a pizza, took off my pants and sat in the living room all day. I call that a fucking day off. A super geeky one too. I haven't geeked out in a while so it was fun. Also Manny stopped by and watched Source code with me and invited me to a BBQ thingy. So hah. who needs roommates who try to convince you to go to Montreal anyway.


I was amazingly impressed with the Adjustment Bureau. (Source Code totally kicked super geeky parallel universe ass too). As people who've been here before, I'm a self admitted sappy idealistic fool. I like slow Metal love songs and giving massages by candlelight. But this movie was a romance. For geeks. Actiony and suspenseful and philosophical and a whole bunch of other crap I like. But it's a romance movie. Maybe the best one ever.

Most guys wouldn't put this shit out on the internet. But my brothers have taken away my man-card and my housemates make fun of me for anything I ever say/do/write/perform/ anyways, so why sugar coat it? Plus I'm like 50% sure I'm hallucinating from the lack of sleep over the last 3 days so chances are okay that I'm actually just drumming my fingers on the back of the couch and staring at the painting of James Spader in the living room while I think I'm lying in bed typing.

Been there.

Or have I?

And since I am starting to confuse myself about where I am and what I am doing I'm going to share this funny song with you.

That's me. I am not condoning killing women. However, if I ever act like this ...again... you're more than welcome to feed me a shotgun sandwich with a side of "Oh god, Sam you made us do this, now hold still so we can make sure we get your mouth around both barrels."


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