Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Am I bad person?

...if I root for the ninja turtle in this picture? Then again I always root for the ninja turtles.

...if I find it hilarious to see somebody shoot a zombie with a shotgun?

...if I enjoy a good alien punching every now and then?

...if hunting down and slaughtering dragons with an axe summoned from another dimension helps me relax on the weekends?

...if I disagree with the song choice made of a bunch of deaf kids?

...if I idly daydreamed about fitting a dead body inside one of the empty peanut butter drums work?

...if I laugh at a video in which a scorned British dude kicks a dog clear across a street

...if I don't give a rat's ass about a band's political views or the fact the members are all giant douche-tards even though I love the music they make?

...if even though I haven't posted a blog entry since September, the number of hits on my page is the highest it's ever been for the month of November?

...if I wished a painful death on the person who stole my spoon?

...if I don't really understand what my brother does for a living, but have convinced people that he "fixes the internet"?

Blah blah, haven't posted in a while, blah blah, girl stuff, blah blah, star wars, blah blah, lord of the rings, blah blah, work sucks.

That's me. I NEED TO KNOW!
